
Massachusetts And Maine Families Volume 3 Genealogy Book

$ 26.39

Availability: 72 in stock


Untitled Document
Massachusetts And Maine Families
In The Ancestry Of  Walter Goodwin Davis
Volume 3 Neal-Wright
Walter Goodwin Davis
Book of
pages in very good condition. Per The publisher;
The multi-ancestor compendia compiled and published by Walter Goodwin  Davis is one of the major achievements of twentieth-century genealogy. These  volumes authoritatively cover 180 families, all of Davis's colonial forebears  plus nineteen English families in the immediate ancestry of American immigrants.
The Davis opus is undoubtedly the premier work for northern New England,  and an often essential companion volume to the celebrated
Genealogical  Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire
which it considerably expands,  especially for many Essex County families with ties further north. Almost anyone  with considerable New England ancestry--and as many as 100 million living  Americans, about 40 percent of the population, have
colonial New  England forebears--will descend from one or more, often a dozen or more, of the  families herein.
The Families  Covered in This Volume Are:
Neal, Neale, Newcomb, Norman, Noyse, Nurse, Parish, Patten, Pearce,  Perkins, Pettingill, Porter, Rayment, Reade, Richardson, Roberts, Rogers, Roper,  Safford, Sandell, Scott, Scroggs, Searle, Shatswell, Sherburne, Silver, Sloper,  Smith, Spear, St. Barbe, Stone, Symonds, Taprill, Thompson, Tilden, Tilton,  Tower, Towne, Twisden, Underwood, Vinson, Walton, Wardwell, Waterhouse, Watts,  Weare alias Brown, West, Wheeler, White, Wildes, Wood, Wormwood, Wright
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