Connecticut Probate Records Vol 3 1729-1750
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A Digest of The Early Connecticut Probate RecordsVolume III Hartford District 1729-1750
Charles William Manwaring
Hardbound volume totaling
pages. Book is in excellent condition. Printed 1906, this is a 1995 reprint. Per the publisher;
Based on records of the General Court of the Colony of Connecticut, on records of the Particular Court, and ultimately on probate records of the Hartford County Court, these three impeccably edited volumes cover the wills, inventories, distributions of estates, and court records of the men and women who settled in that fecund district of Connecticut embracing Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor. Officially established in 1666, the Hartford probate district at one time or another covered no fewer than 40 towns. Residents of those towns had their wills proved in Hartford, and this work contains not only accurate
of those wills, but transcriptions of all related documents, including administration records, inventories of estates, records of estate distributions, and associated court records.
Each volume has an index to estates and one to names. Nothing has been left to chance, and the scholarly care lavished on the work is apparent on every page.
Index to Surnames of Estates
Abborn, Ackley, Adams, Addams, Adkins, Alderman, Allin, Allyn, Andrews, Andruss, Arnold, Ashley, Aspenwell, Austin
Bacon, Bacor, Bailey, Bancroft, Banks, barbour, Barnard, Barnes, Bartlett, Barton, Bate, Beacraft, Beauchamp, Beckley, Belding, Bement, Benjamin, Benton, Bevin, Bidwell, Bigelow, Biggelow, Bignall, Bingham, Bird, Birge, Bissell, Blackbourn, Blake, Blancher, Blin, Blynn, Bliss, Bloys, Boardman, Bolman, Booge, Bow, Bradley, Brainard, Brenon, Brewer, Brooks, Brown, Brownson, Brunson, Buck, buckland, Buell, Bulkeley, Bull, Bump, Bunce, Bundy, Burk, Burn, Burntfield, Butler
Cadwell, Calder, Caldwell, Camp, Candee, Carrier, Carter, Case, Center, Chamberlin, Chapman, Charter, Chenevard, Chester, Chipman, Church, Churchill, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Coe, Cohoon, Cole, Coleman, Collier, Collins, Collyer, Colt, Colyer, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cornish, Cornwall, Cornwell, Cotton, Cowle, Cowles, Cramer, Cravath, Craw, Croswell, Crow, Crowell, Crowfoot, Crozier, Curtice, Curtiss, Cusshaw
Dailey, Damon, Daviss, Day, Deliber, Deming, Dennison, Denslow, Deuplessey, Dewey, Dewolph, Dickinson, Diggins, Dix, Dixwell, Dodd, Done, Doolittle, Doud, Dracke, Drake, Dutton, Dyxx
Easton, Eaton, Edwards, Eglestone, Elger, Eliot, Ellery, Elsworth, Emmes, Emmons, Enno, Eno, Ensign
Fairbanks, Farle, Farnsworth, Filley, Fiske, Foote, Forbes, Forward, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Freeman, Fuller
Gains, Gardner, Garret, Gates, Gaylord, Gilbert, Gilham, Gill, Gillet, Gilman, Gipson, Gleason, Goff, Goodale, Goodman, Goodrich, Goodwin, Goslee, Goslin, Graham, Grant, Green, Gridley, Griffin, Grimes, Griswold, Gross, Gustin
Hadlock, Haford, Hale, Hall, Ham, Hamlin, Hancox, Handerson, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hatch, Hawley, Hayes, Heydon, Hickcox, Higgins, Highstead, Higley, Hill, Hills, Hinckley, Hinsdale, Hodge, Hogens, Holcomb, hollister, Holman, Holmes, Holton, Hooker, Hopkins, Horsford, Hosford, Hoskins, Hosmer, Hossington, Howard, Hubbard, Huchisson, huffman, Humphrey, Hungerford, Hunlock, Hunn, huntington, Hurlbut, Husket, Hutchens,
Jackson, Joanes, Johnson, Jones, Joyner, Judd, Judson
Keith, Kelsey, Kendall, Keney, Kilbourn, Kimberly, King, Knowlton
Labbe, Lamb, Lane, Langton, Lathrop, Lattimore, Launcelet, Lay, Lee, Leet, Lester, Lewcas, Lewis, Logan, Loomis, Lord, Lothrop
Macklarren, Mallory, Man, Markham, Marks, Marsh, Marshall, Mather, Mathews, Matson, Maulbe, McCleod, McMoran, Meakins, Merrell, Merrells, Messenger, Micks, Miller, Mitchel, Mitchelson, Moodey, Moody, Moore, More, Morgan, Morley, Morton, Moses, Mygatt
Nearing, Nelson, Newbery, Newell, Nichason, Nichols, North, Northam, Northway, Norton, Nott
Olcott, Olmsted, Orcutt, Orvice, Orviss, Osborn, Osgood, Owen
Palmer, Pantry, Pasco, Peck, Peese, Peirce, Pellett, Pelton, Pendleton, Penfield, Perry, Persivell, Persons, Pettibone, Phelps, Phillips, Pike, Pinney, Pitkin, Plumb, Plumber, Porter, Pratt, Price, Primus, Purple
Ranny, Ray, Read, Reave, Reinolds, Rice, Rich, Richards, Riley, Rippenear, Risley, Robbins, Robe, Roberts, Robinson, Rockwell, Rogers, Rollo, Root, Rose, Rossiter, Rowell, Rowlandson, Rowley, Russell
Sabin, Sage, Sallis, Savage, Sawyer, Sayer, Schovell, Scott, Seager, Sedgwick, Selden, Seymour, Shailer, Shaw, Shields, Sheldon, Shepherd, Sheperdson, Sherman, Shipman, Shrigley, Simons, Skiff, Skinner, Slater, Smith, Soper, Souerhill, Southmayd, Sparks, Spelman, Spencer, Stanclift, Standish, Stanly, Steadman, Steele, Stephens, Stephenson, Steward, Stiles, Stimpson, Stocking, Stoddard, Stoughton, Stow, Strong, Sumner, Sweeney, Sweet, Sydervelt
Taintor, Talcott, Tappin, Taylor, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Thrall, Toney, Treat, Tryon, Tuller, Tuttle, Twist
Waddoms, Wadsworth, Wallis, Ward, Warner, Warren, Waters, Watson, Way, Webb, Webster, Welles, West, Westover, Wetmore, Whaples, Wheeler, White, Whittlesey, Whitmore, Wickham, Wilcock, Wilcocks, Wilcox, Wilkerson, Willard, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Winchell, Wolcott, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodruff, Wright, Wyott
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